and see what's brewing........
For every pattern you buy from my website between Oct 13-31st, your name is entered into a drawing for cool PRIZES!
Go to my website and check out the details!
WAIT! There's MORE!!
*Brand New*
Join The PRIMITIVE WITCH CLUB today and buy your patterns for 40%
off the selling price every day!
I know, it's maddening, but there STILL MORE!!!
*in the distance, you hear a scream and the high pitch of a witches cackle*
where I talk to you about how to make a DRESS!
THIS week, I'll be adding new Epatterns, New Stitchery Patterns and Printables!! Keep an eye out ...
AND!!Now, if you are into Digitizing, Digital Embroidery, Web Design or Printing, you can purchase a license on my website to use my designs!!
WOW! I know, it's simply wild!! I think it's the FULL MOON!
Happy Prim Hallowe'en to one and all!